
AIA Florida Receives Sliver Award From Association TRENDS All Media Contest

The Florida Association of the American Institute of Architects (AIA Florida) is pleased to announce its Friday Facts Newsletter has been awarded the “Daily or Weekly Communication Silver Award” for the 2012 Association TRENDS All Media Contest.

Friday Facts is AIA Florida’s online weekly vehicle used to keep in contact with its nearly 3,200 members.  The newsletter began as Friday Fax when it was originally faxed to members. Since then, it has evolved into an e-newsletter that communicates association happenings on a national, state and local level.  It also keeps members abreast on legislative and regulatory actions that affect the architecture profession.  

Highly anticipated each week the newsletter has an open rate of 35% which is far above the industry standard.  The newsletter has become the prime source for information for members and a standard bearer for other AIA chapters across the nation to model.

