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Out with the Old

Like many of us, you may be working this week between December 25 and January 1. If so, you are probably part of a skeleton crew with actual member-related work at a minimum. So take this opportunity to reevaluate your use of technology and such. Specifically, I look at several areas. 

1. I go through my emails. Organization gets a little crazy when we are busy. Now is a good time for a priority reorganization. I tend to organize for expediency in the moment. That is not always best so I invest a little time in reorganizing folders, emails, clear out (or archive) my sent emails .

2. I also go through my last month of emails and I unsubscribe from a lot of things I never have looked at and likely never will need again. We need to declutter our inbox in the worst way. I can't be the only one that missed something important because I just have too much coming in via email. I have 7 viable email addresses so that's a lot of clutter!

3. I take a good hard look at my mobile devices, tablets and phones specifically. I have a bunch of apps that were one time usage or I thought were cool but now they clutter up my 6th screen of apps never to be seen again. Get rid of those...really. 

4. Time to revisit your favorites/bookmarks. The same thing happens there. I bookmarked that website in the I have literally thousands of favorites and to be honest, that is not even how I use a browser most times. I start with a Google search or the Google app and type in what I am looking for. Cannot tell you how many times I "refound" a website I bookmarked. A lot of good that favorite did me.

5. Go through your photos and videos. I am a bit of photo-hog. I literally have thousands of photos but you know what I also have a ton of now? Screenshots! They meant something at one time but honestly I cannot remember the circumstances that dictated me doing that now. And there it sits taking up my digital storage. Get rid of them!

I will throw in a bonus non-tech housekeeping thing too. Go through all of your gift cards you have in your wallet, purse, top drawer, or just laying around. They might expire. The other day I found a twenty dollar bill in a suitcoat that I never wear much anymore. I bet you have gift cards that can be like finding change in your couch or that twenty in my coat. Use them before its too late!

What is your favorite out with old thing you do?
