Compensation Survey

2015 Compensation & Benefits Survey Now Available!

Part of the Florida Society of Association Executives Foundation Mission is to conduct research initiatives that provide resources to the Florida association community.  The FSAE Foundation is continuing those efforts by presenting our 2015 Compensation and Benefit Report. 

FSAE was one of 26 state societies of association executives that participated in the survey with Whorton Marketing & Research. The findings are available to you in two reports -  a full report including data from over 1,000 respondents from the 26 participating societies, as well as a Florida-only supplement that covers the data from the 90 respondents from our state.

To purchase the reports go to the FSAE Online Store.  The member rate is $150 and non-members may purchase at the rate of $250.  If you were one of the association’s that completed the survey please remember to use your Coupon Code to receive your participant discount.

If you have questions or need additional information please contact Hester Ndoja at 850-702-0944 or

If you have difficulty accessing the online store, please click here